Phase 1 Friendly Recipes

These delicious recipes are based on The SIBO Bi-Phasic diet by Dr Nirala Jacobi, ND and were created by Rebecca Coomes of The Healthy Gut. Cookbooks are available on her website here.

Warm Winter Kale Salad

Prepare your power-house ‘Kale a veritable powerhouse and is packed full of nutrients and vitamins A, C and vitamin K, which can help ward off cancer.ย  It is also jam packed full of iron, is bursting with antioxidants, and is high in calcium. ย Not to be outdone by the kale, pumpkin also has some powerful health perks. It is rich in vitamin A and […]

Warm Winter Kale Salad

French style salad

A french SIBO side in minutes ‘This versatile French inspired salad is the perfect accompaniment to many meals and only takes minutes to make.’ย Rebecca Coomes Rebecca Coomesโ€™ recipes are all created to be in alignment withย Dr Nirala Jacobiโ€™s Bi-Phasic Diet.ย  We fully support you to use Rebeccaโ€™s recipes as a resource during treatment.ย ย Access all of Rebeccaโ€™s recipesย to help you to have a smooth and

French style salad

Pan fried fish with a lemon caper sauce

An easy pinch of protein in your mid-week dinner ‘Fish is a wonderful protein sourceย while treating SIBO.ย  The combination of the ghee, lemon and capers imparts a delicious sauce to the delicate flavours of the fish.ย  This meal is ready within 15 minutes so makes a perfect mid-week dinner.’ย Rebecca Coomes Rebecca Coomesโ€™ recipes are all created to be in alignment withย Dr Nirala Jacobiโ€™s Bi-Phasic

Pan fried fish with a lemon caper sauce Read More ยป

Pikelets with kiwi fruit & coconut yoghurt

Your perfect outback snack Have your friends over for an afternoon cuppa and SIBO impress with these little beauties. ‘The pikelet is an Australian classic, and just because you are treating SIBO doesnโ€™t mean you canโ€™t still enjoy these little tasty treats.’ย Rebecca Coomes Rebecca Coomesโ€™ recipes are all created to be in alignment withย Dr Nirala Jacobiโ€™s Bi-Phasic Diet.ย  We fully support you to use

Pikelets with kiwi fruit & coconut yoghurt

Baked Vanilla & Coconut Custard

Time for a tasty treat (Phase 1 friendly) ‘I have always adored custard.ย  Hot, warm and cold custard all taste equally as delicious to me. I love the simplicity of the flavours in this recipe, and how easy it is to make scrumptious pots of custard in no time.’ย  Rebecca Coomes Rebecca Coomes’ recipes are all designed in alignment withย Dr Nirala Jacobiโ€™s Bi-Phasic Diet.ย 

Baked Vanilla & Coconut Custard

Mexican baked breakfast eggs

Your love affair with the humble egg ‘Eggs are perfect for breakfast while treating SIBO, but they can get boring after a while. By adding some extra ingredients, you will re-ignite your love affair with the humble egg and be left satisfied for hours.’ย Rebecca Coomes Rebecca Coomesโ€™ recipes are all created to be in alignment withย Dr Nirala Jacobiโ€™s Bi-Phasic Diet.ย  We fully support you

Mexican baked breakfast eggs

24 Hour Fermented Yoghurt

Friendly Fermentation in SIBO? ‘Home made yoghurt is delicious, doesnโ€™t contain any of the nasties often found in commercially made yoghurts, and is significantly cheaper than store bought yoghurt.ย  I have developed a coconut milk version and a dairy version so that yoghurt can be eaten at any stage of your treatment program.’ย Rebecca Coomes Rebecca Coomes’ recipes are all designed in alignment withย Dr Nirala

24 Hour Fermented Yoghurt

Veal Schnitzel

Schnitzel option for SIBO sufferers ‘Crispy veal schnitzel drizzled with lemon juice are so simple yet so utterly delicious, and you wouldnโ€™t know theyโ€™re any different to the original version.’ย Rebecca Coomes 4 serves Classification: Phase 1 – Restricted, GF, LF Ingredients 4 large veal schnitzel steaks 1 free range egg 8 tbs almond meal 1 tsp salt 1 tsp freshly ground pepper 4 tbs

Veal Schnitzel

Malaysian prawn and chicken laksa

Transport your taste buds ‘I adore sitting down to enjoy a big bowl of steaming laksa.ย  The flavours of Malaysia sing in this dish, and it makes a filling lunch, dinner or supper for any day of the week.ย  You will feel transported to the hawker stalls in a bustling Malaysian city from the first mouthful.’ย Rebecca Coomes Rebecca Coomes’ recipes are all based onย Dr

Malaysian prawn and chicken laksa

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

SIBO ICECREAM?! ‘Hoorah! Ice cream is no longer off limits while treating SIBO.ย  This decadent chocolate chip recipe tastes lovely and rich, but contains none of the gut irritating properties of commercially made ice cream.ย  The use of an ice cream machine delivers a lovely creamy result, and is definitely worth the investment.’ Rebecca Coomes Rebecca Coomesโ€™ recipes are all created to be in

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

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