SIBO Family Favourites Cookbook


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In the latest SIBO cookbook (e-cookbook and hard copy), Rebecca Coomes has taken over 60 classic home-style recipes and made them SIBO-friendly.  They are not only delicious and easy to make, but the whole family will enjoy them. Each recipe is categorised depending on the phase of your SIBO treatment, so it is the perfect tool while you treat SIBO.  All recipes are gluten free so are perfect for anyone following a gluten-free diet.

They are also free from dairy (or dairy-free alternatives), low in grains, carbs and sugar.

Rebecca Coomes believes in eating food when it’s at its best: in season. Rebecca uses a wide range of ingredients that will leave you feeling satisfied and happy to be eating a SIBO-friendly meal. The US edition of the eCookbook is now available for immediate download.

Note: Order are processed by The Healthy Gut

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