Have you been diagnosed with SIBO?
Do you suffer from...
Bloating that just won’t quit?
Gas, diarrhea, and/or constipation?
Food reactions that weren’t a problem before you had SIBO?
Just feeling sick and tired of your gut problems?
SIBO can be extremely frustrating.
On top of the symptoms that won’t let up, it would really help if you could understand…
• What in the world your breath tests mean…
• Which exact products could help your symptoms (and which might make you worse)
• What diet has been proven to be the BEST approach for SIBO treatment
• What might be the original cause of your SIBO (important to know if you want to beat SIBO for good)
• And much, MUCH more…
It’s all a little overwhelming, isn’t it?
The SIBO Success Plan was designed to help you through each and every piece of this puzzle, step by step. And best of all, it was designed by Dr Nirala Jacobi, one of the world’s leading SIBO experts, so can trust the program truly works.
About Your Instructor
Dr. Nirala Jacobi is a naturopathic doctor (ND) and internationally recognized expert on small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). She is the creator of the SIBO Biphasic Diet, a resource that has helped tens of thousands of SIBO sufferers around the world. Dr. Jacobi is the host of The SIBO Doctor Podcast and the founder of The SIBO Doctor, an online educational platform that includes a practitioner certification program. She is also the medical director of SIBOtest, providing innovative testing options for SIBO and IBS. Dr. Jacobi is known for her systematic and effective approach to diagnosing and treating SIBO and other functional digestive disorders. Having received her naturopathic doctorate in 1998 from the esteemed Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, she brings more than two decades of clinical experience and expertise her clinic, the Biome Clinic, in Australia
In this Step-by-Step Program
You Will Receive:
✔ Detailed instructions on how to beat your specific type of SIBO
✔ Downloadable SIBO Biphasic Diet eBook including 20+ new recipes
✔ Additional video instructions on how to control your SIBO/IBS symptoms through home treatments
✔ Bonus lessons on how to beat stress, food intolerances, and leaky gut
✔ Lesson resource guides with helpful tips, links and other useful information
✔ Detailed supplement recommendations for your SIBO type
✔ Access to my SIBO Online Dispensary Guide
What's Inside The Course
Click the Lesson Title to Learn More
✔ What is Small intestine bacterial overgrowth?
✔ What damage does bacterial overgrowth cause in your gut?
✔ What symptoms are associated with SIBO
✔ What type of SIBO do you have? This is important to know as it will determine what treatment is best suited for you.
✔ The SIBO Bi-phasic diet – why a phased approach is best
✔ Phase 1 – Reducing fermentable carbohydrates and repairing the gut with targeted support
✔ Phase 2 – Remove harmful bacteria and restore the motility of the upper gut with specific antimicrobials and prokinetics
✔ Specific Supplement guidance for your SIBO type
Something caused your SIBO and knowing the cause will help to treat it so it stays gone. There are 4 categories of causes:
✔ Impaired motility
✔ Impaired digestion
✔ Structural problems with your digestive tract- like adhesions
✔ Medications like PPI or Opiates
✔ What is a breath test?
✔ How to best prepare for testing
✔ How to interpret hydrogen and methane levels
✔ Why testing is important before and often after treatment
✔ Links to Breath testing services
✔ We’ll cover why SIBO often causes food intolerances such as
✔ Histamine intolerance, oxalates, and sulfur sensitivities
✔ What specific symptoms are seen with each food intolerance
✔ And what you can do to improve the symptoms of these intolerances
✔ Download specific diet handouts that help you get back on track
✔ What is leaky gut and why is it so often seen in patients with SIBO
✔ What lifestyle changes can you make to help heal your gut
✔ How does general toxicity influence how fast you can heal?
✔ Besides getting advice on specific supplements, you’ll also learn about home treatments to help you heal
✔ How your nervous system is involved in your digestive function
✔ How stress and anxiety as well as past trauma can powerfully affect these functions
✔ You’ll learn about the vagus nerve and specific vagal exercises to improve the function of this important nerve as well as calming your nervous system
✔ Be guided through a gut specific meditation to help calm your belly nerves
✔ Whilst all of your digestive symptoms should improve when SIBO is gone, sometimes specific symptoms need a little extra help
✔ You’ll learn about what are the causes bloating besides bacterial fermentation and what you can do to help beat the bloat
✔ Many people with a specific type of SIBO suffer from constipation – you’ll learn how to keep things moving with home treatments, herbs, nutrients, breathing exercises and more
✔ Reflux and nausea are also addressed in this lesson
Patient Testimonials
Kristina, Patient Testimonial #1
"After testing positive for SIBO, signing up for Dr. Jacobi's SIBO Success Plan was the most important step I took. This enabled me to feel empowered as I made decisions about my treatment. The class also helped me diagnose my oxalate sensitivity - something that has turned out to be the key element in improving my health. I can't thank Dr. Jacobi enough for this incredible source of information. I have already recommended the course to others at least a dozen times. Thank you!!! Sincere thanks to Dr. Jacobi and her team."
Steffi, Patient Testimonial #2
"Thank you so much for this amazing course! I already gathered so much information from all over the place and thought I already know so much but watching this course has helped me so so much. It really highlighted for me where to put my focus on in my healing journey and gave me the confidence and power to be part of my treatment plan in collaboration with my practitioner. I feel really empowered. I felt so unsure and had a hard time trusting practitioners after so many years of doctors telling me that I just need to relax. This course and all that I learned gave me a guide and helped me to be part in my treatment and it made it become more of a dialog between me and my practitioner instead of me just doing what I am told and then worrying and questioning if it is right and if it's even working. It really put my mind at ease and gave me confidence and hope that I will be better and I can go through this journey and come out with a better life with a lot of healthy habits that make me happy. All was very well explained and easy to understand and just enough to get all the important infos one needs but still short enough to keep concentrated to really listen and learn and keep the information. I loved all the tips and videos and suggestions and the SIBO Dispensary Guide is just amazing. Thank you so much! I am so happy I did it!"
Vaile, Patient Testimonial #3
"I took the SIBO Success Plan and SIBO Histamine Bi-Phasic Diet courses. Dr Jacobi is without a doubt the most knowledgeable, caring, thorough, interested, interesting, and thoughtful Doctor. I have been chasing my GI symptoms around for years going to all kinds of GIs and alternative medicine doctors, even traveling for this without getting anywhere, not learning anything, getting no relief, and no one knowing anything. Everything Dr Jacobi taught me via these courses, it's just all so amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Dianne, Patient Testimonial #4
"I am so excited after completing the first lesson and downloading the biphasic diet. So much information to digest but presented in such a clear and informative way. I am so grateful for the opportunity to educate myself at a price that is affordable for me. So thank you for this wonderful course."